5 reasons why music playing in the auction is a roll of an idea

5 reasons why music playing in the auction is a roll of an idea

There are 147 million registered users on eBay, and tens of millions of them are struggling desperately to make sales on eBay. When it comes to make their auction listings as powerful as possible, many sellers use ill-advised tactics. They think that if they entertain buyers, they are more likely to get a sale. And because the Internet is increasingly multi-media, there are many temptations thrown in his way, especially the use of clay.

With background music or sounds, unless the sale of music, is probably a bad idea. If you are thinking, music, or even an audio product launches that are wise for a panel, the viewer to listen or not, since there are like her. No! No! No! Set your auction listing, so that a potential customer is greeted with loud music as soon as you click on your page. Here's why: 

First Potential buyers are there for your Gucci handbag or Oakley sunglasses do not look to be entertained. A purchase decision is a serious matter and do not want to take your attention away from your property. Instead, the entire focus of your page, what you sell will be addressed. Music is simply a distraction.

Second we currently do not have the quality of audio technology. Buyers have different browsers and different compounds can be outdated equipment. What is worse than unwanted music is music that sounds terrible unwanted, which is rough, too strong or poor quality.

Third you probably will not want to know what kind of music to listen to their point of view of the buyer. If you're selling to young people, can be pretty sure you will not want to hear big band music. But do you know if you like Eminem or Travis Twitt? Apparently not.

Fourth consider the situation of the buyer. He could be around eBay while he is at work and what should not be surfing the net. Music suddenly strong as vice-president of the company walks the last thing you want. Or maybe get a mother who has colic to sleep, and when his music awakens a child irritable, you can be sure will never make a sale from angry parents.

Five audio files take longer to download than text. If the potential customer has dialup instead of a high speed connection, you will most likely check out your auction page has even loaded....

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